FREE Review Features included on all Tap Tags
All Tap Tags come with the ability to setup a review page, whether that be a Google, Yelp, TripAdvisor Trustpilot, Angie, or any review platform that exists online.
Built from the ground up by Tap Tag, our proprietary cloud-based software is the best way to capture reviews. No app needed whatsoever. Here is a convenient list of all of the included features.
Create Review Profile⭐ Easy Review Setup
Our entire system is dynamic. Each review Tap Tag comes with a ready-to-setup profile that integrates directly with Google, allowing you to set up a page that goes directly to your Google review page when you receive your Tap Tag.
You can also direct to TrustPilot, Facebook, Instagram, or any website of your choosing by simply pasting the website URL.
Create your account now, pair it to your products later
⭐ Dynamic Dashboard
Your Tap Tag, QRs, and profile are dynamic, meaning that any update to your page will affect all items linked to your profile. Yes, even the QR code!
For example, If you have a Google review on your Tap Tag and want to change it to Yelp, you can do so at any time, or if you change business locations you can update your Tap Tags to direct to new review page.
⭐ Analytics
See page view analytics on a 7-day look back. Any scan of your Tap Tag, QR code, or any connected products counts as a page view.
⭐ QR Code Download
You can download your dynamic QR code form your dashboard at any time. Print it out, use it for a t-shirt, use it for paper business cards, make stickers out of it, it's yours to use however.
Manage your QR code fro your dashboard in realtime.
⭐ Google Integration
We partnered with google to make it easier than ever to locate your Google review link that directs straight to the 1-5 star page.
Simply find your business on Google maps and click it, we make the review link in realtime, then save. That's it! Make an account now to see it live.

Setup in 30 seconds flat
Each Tap Tag review item comes with a ready-to-setup profile. Scan it for the first time to add a username, password, then find your business on google maps and save. Thats it.
You may also paste a web address for any website like Trustpilot, TripAdvisor, any social media page, or more. Change any time by signing in.
How to setup
Manage from anywhere
Your free account comes with a dashboard to edit your review profile at any time
✅ Redirect to any website, in realtime
✅ Page view analytics
✅ Google API to easily find your GMB review page
✅ Download your dynamic review QR code to use anywhere
✅ Manage a separate business card profile from the same dashboard
Average Increase of reviews across multiple review sites
Average decrease of 1-3 star reviews

Review Filtration
As an alternative to ReviewPlus, Review Filtration acts like a bouncer to a club by first showing a Tap Tag review page, users that select 4-5 stars are then encouraged to finish the review on official sites like Google, and more. While those that select 1-3 stars are encouraged to contact management to help fix the situation first.
See Example Profile
Track page views, unique visitors and more using custom date ranges. Each location managed has its own analytics or view a summary of all locations at once.
This data does not correlate with actual reviews left on official platforms like Google, Yelp, etc. Only page views.

Review Plus+ Page
A landing page to add multiple review sites, allowing your customers to select which platform to post a review, post multiple reviews, or contact you directly if not satisfied.
See Example Profile
Add to Apple / Google Wallet
Add your QR code to your digital wallet. Simply pull up your digital card for anyone to scan your review QR code right off of your phone screen or Apple Watch.
Convenient Pricing to fit your budget
Basic Plan
Easily find your business via Google API, and redirect to any review platform such as Google, better business bureau, Tripadvisor, and more. Manage or download your dynamic QR code any time.
Completely Free, included on all Tap Tags
All features of Free, plus ReviewPlus+ & review filtration, analytics, add to Apple/Google wallet, and the ability to link up to 10 review sites for one physical business location. Manage up to 3 locations.
Three locations = $19/month or $190/year
Multi ReviewPlus+
Manage infinite locations from one dashboard, all with their own custom review page, analytics, and more. Each is managed separately.
$10/month per location for first 10 locations, then $5/month per location after.
Compare Packages
All Tap Tags come with a completely free dynamic review platform.
ReviewPlus starts at $19/month to manage up to 3 locations with added features.
Upgrade / Downgrade any time
Lowest costs in the industry
Share review via text, email, socials, or QR
Unlimited users can be linked to each location. Track scans for each user.
# of locations
Up to 2
Up to 3
Scan analytics
Past 7 Days
Custom Dates
Dashboard to edit/manage
Download QR code
Dynamic Link/QR
Custom Review Page
# of review sites
Direct to 1 review site
up to 10 review sites per page
Review Filtration
Review items in all shapes and sizes
Each item comes with a ready-to-setup review profile. Choose if you want the basic free software or ReviewPlus+ when setting up after the product arrives.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I make a review account?
This review software comes included on every Tap Tag purchase, not only on the review items but ALL items we offer including metal business cards.
During setup of your Tap Tag you can choose to setup as a digital business Profile or a Review Profile.
If you do not want a physical item you can purchase the review platform separately. Please email us at
How do I login to my dashboard?
You can only login if you have set up an account previously.
Login here:
Is the free option really FREE?
Yes, completely free. No strings attached. You get a free dashboard to edit and manage your Tap Tag, download your QR code, and more.
We do offer an optional subscription platform called ReviewPlus+ for added features.
Can I buy a review item without this software?
Yes, this software is completely optional.
During purchase of a review Tap Tag we give the option of hard-programming your tag with your review page which foregoes our software. Or choose our dynamic software which is set up on arrival.
** if you forego our software a QR will not be on your items unless you choose a custom item and add one.
How do I pair items together to act as one?
Review the article below for directions
I received my Tap Tag, how do I set up?
Scan your Tap Tag for the first time and follow the on-screen steps to complete setup.
Use our Google API to find your google review, or paste a review platform like Yelp or Tripadvisor.
Here is how to scan and more information
Can I cancel or upgrade anytime?
Yes, you can start with our free plan and upgrade at any time.
You may also cancel at any time. If you cancel the services will go to the end of the payment period.
If I have a business card profile, can I have a review profile too?
Yes, each account is allowed one business card profile and one review profile.
You may purchase the ability to manage more business profiles and more review profiles. All are combined via tabs on your main dashboard.
If I have a business Teams account, is the filtration included? Visa Versa?
No, review filtration is not included with our business Team plan, or visa versa. These are two separate products.
How do I get my Google review URL?
During setup you can use our Google API to find your business on a map, this automatically generates a review link straight to your 1-5 star review page.
Or follow these steps..
Get your Google business direct review link:
Login to your google business profile
Search “My business” on Google
Icons/settings will appear. Click “Ask for reviews’ icon
Copy the link
How to get my TrustPilot, TripAdvisor, and other review pages?
Simply find yourself on these platforms, click the "leave a review" tab, and copy the web address.
Does this guarantee to eliminate 1-3 star reviews? Does it guarantee 5 star reviews?
The review filter is only a defense, customers can still leave negative reviews but the form certainly helps minimize them by alerting management to fix the issue before a review lis left.
We cannot guarantee 5 star reviews either, but it is significantly easier for a customer to leave a 5 star review than a negative one.
Any reviews left on the filter page do not relay to actual review sites. If leaving 5 stars, the user will still have to then click Google, Yelp, or any other button you may have on the following page.