How NFC Technology Enhances Donation Engagement
In today's more networked world, churches are looking to embrace new technology for greater connectivity by making it easier to interact with members. Among such technologies that are gaining a l...

The Future of Giving: How Churches Are Using NFC Pucks to Engage and Inspire
In our fast-paced digital world, churches are one of the few industries that have not changed much over the last 50 years, until now. Religious organizations are continually looking for ways to al...

4 Reasons Why SEO is Crucial for Boosting Business Revenue and Profits
In today’s digital age, search engine optimization (SEO) is more than just a buzzword—it's a critical strategy for driving business success. With 93% of online experiences beginning with a search e...

5 Myths of Using Digital Business Cards
Don’t let misconceptions hold you back from leveraging the benefits of digital business cards. Embrace the convenience, security, and versatility they offer to make lasting impressions and facilita...

3 Reasons Why You Should Ask for in Person Google Reviews
In order to get more positive Google reviews, asking in a timely manner is necessary to improve your Google reviews. The immediacy of the request capitalizes on customer satisfaction and increases ...

Business Card Software vs. Paper Business Cards
4 Reasons why it's better to have a digital business card rather than paper business cards. The transition from paper to digital business cards underscores a paradigm shift towards efficiency, sust...

How to Password Protect NFC Tags
How to Password Protect an NFC Tag One of the many great features on consumer NFC tags are that they can be reprogrammed with new information over and over again. You could be a restaurant or coff...

How to Program or Reprogram an NFC Tag
How to Program or Reprogram an NFC Tag In about 45 seconds using a free smartphone app and a couple of steps NOTE: All Tap Tags come with easy-to use software by default, this software allows yo...

What is NFC?: Exploring the Benefits and Applications of Near Field Communication (NFC)
What is NFC?: Exploring the Benefits and Applications of Near Field Communication (NFC) You may have recently heard chatter about NFC, RFID, contactless sharing or mobile payments. Maybe...

Are NFC Business Cards or NFC tags affected by Magnets?
In general, NFC tags are not affected by magnets. This is because NFC tags use radio frequency technology to communicate, which is normally not affected by a magnetic field. However, there are som...

Which is better, NFC or QR? Pro's and cons of each
The advantages and disadvantages of NFC technology and QR codes will be compared in this article. Two-dimensional barcodes known as QR (Quick Response) codes are frequently used for a wide range o...

Ways an NFC tag or NFC card can be erased (magnets, heat, etc)
In order to transmit and receive data across short distances, Near Field Communication (NFC) tags are passive, small devices that utilise radio frequency technology. They are frequently employed i...

What is the difference between NTAG213, NTAG215, and NTAG216?
NFC tags with the NTAG213, NTAG215, and NTAG216 types are utilized in a range of applications, such as marketing, access control, and business cards. They can all be read and written to by any NFC-...

The best way to network with an NFC Business Card
There are several best practices for networking with an NFC business card: Make sure your NFC business card is up-to-date: Before you start networking, make sure your NFC business card contains ...