tap to scan qr sign on church chair

All items include Tap technology to seamlessly share data with a tap of a smartphone

Tap into a new way to connect with members

See pricing document
tap to scan qr sign on church pew

Industry leading prices and production times

Customize each sign with your own graphics. No minimum or maximum order quantity.

See pricing document

*Optional* upgrade starting at just $199/year, about 1/20th the cost of the other guys.

Update, track & manage from a convenient dashbaord

See pricing document
tap to scan qr sign in front of church

Use Pushpay or any service? No problem.

Link to any website, social network, or payment provider. Control in realtime.

See pricing document


Increase in member engagement on socials and community posts

Condensing all your important information into one convenient page boosts engagement.


Increase in donation size when giving digitally

Users report an uptick in donation size when enabling members to to give digitally.


Increase in amount of donations given per week

A digital profile allows members to donate at any time of day from the comfort of their home.

*Software is optional

Your church's digital hub for members

When a Tap Tag is tapped or a QR is scanned, your members will see a convenient digital profile on their phone. This page is custom to you and infinitely editable.

  • Link to any payment provider
  • Link to any website like welcome pages, events, and more
  • Link to social media pages
  • Track scan analytics
  • Update your digital page any time
  • All tap products and QRs update in realtime
Click here or scan QR to see demo profile >

Tap products designed for churches

Tap Tag offers a variety of new-age technology to connect with members. Add a sticky tap sign to the back of seating, screw into fabric chairs, slip an elastic band around the chair, or choose from over 40 tap products in different shapes and sizes. All Tap Tags direct to a customizable digital profile that you can manage from any computer.

Contact us to start an order

See transparent pricing

Backend management, in realtime.

All of your Tap Tags are connected to a convenient dashboard. Login from any device to access analytics, edit the member-facing page, add content, or access sharing features like downloading your QR code or sharing on socials.

Book a demo

Tap into a new way to give.

A new innovative way to connect with members and accept donations. Create and manage a digital profile for your services connected to smart tap & QR products. Use any payment provider.

Optional software available

All of this at 1/20th the cost of other providers like Overflow.

  • <500 seats = $299/year or $30/month
  • 501-999 seats = $399/year or $40/month
  • 1000+ seats = $499/year or $50/month

*Plus one-time product cost of tap items

More flexibility

We enable you to use any payment provider for donations and link to any website URL. All while providing the flexibility and tools to edit your digital landing page.

Less cost

Our research shows that Tap Tag is, on average, 1/20th the cost of similar providers. Our yearly cost is often less than their monthly cost. No contracts, cancel any time.

With you at every step

Our team will work closely with you to create mockups, setup your digital landing page, and support you while you dive into this amazing new technology.

Sticky tap signs for fabric chairs and seating for churches. Best sign for churches. Tap NFC and QR code

Adhesive Back

3M adhesive backside to adhere to any flat surface. Sticks to fabric, wood, plastic, and glass.

Screw hole and screw-in tap sign for churches. Screw into the back of seating.


A more permanent solution. Great for outdoor spaces or fabric chairs. ½ inch screws included.

adjustable elastic band tap sign for church seating. tap and QR code for giving. Removable.

Elastic Band

An adjustable band to stretch around chairs. Easy to remove and even easier to put back on.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our team is here to answer any questions. Book a call or demo for for information.